N3FJP's Amateur Radio Study Guide


N3FJP Amateur Radio Study Guide

 Glenn Davis, N3FJP is the author of Logging Software for Amateur Radio operators. Among his outstanding logging apps, Glenn has recently provided a freely available Study Guide for all 3 levels of Amateur Radio license. Glenn explains that his young children Chris and Brad showed an interest in Amateur Radio. So Glenn decided to help them and created a study guide to further assist them with their studies.

At some point Glen decided that his software would be useful to others, so Glen polished up his work and has made his study guide freely available for anyone interested in any of the 3 classes of license. 

As Glen states, "Please enjoy it and share it with anyone you know that may be interested in getting their license or upgrading! This site will help newcomers to the hobby obtain their very first license, or help existing hams upgrade to a new one! And more hams on the air gifts us all more potential QSO's and QSL cards on the wall!"

The study guide will run in any browser. No downloads are required. Find our more about N3FJP's outstanding study guide.

72 until next time de KE2YK

Winter Field Day Anyone?

 It's been a few years since I have worked Winter Field Day. I'm hoping to work it this year in the mobile at the beach. It's going to be held this weekend 1/28 and 1/29 from 17:00 UTC to 18:59 UTC on Sunday. 

Planning on working QRP with the KX3, Ham Stick and the LifePO4  battery from Smiths Point Park. The park is a county park on Fire Island near Shirley, NY. 

Look for me on the air sometime after 20:00 UTC on 20 or 40 meters, CW of course.

More info about WFD can be found here: Winter Field Day Info

Monday Morning Quarterback Update:

Worked 1M QRP from the park on Saturday as planned. With limited time, I decided to stay on 40 meters. It was disappointing to only hear a limited number of stations calling WFD. 

Sunday morning fared better while working the event 1H on the 7300. Using the long wire, I made about 50 contacts on 20 and 40 CW before calling it quits. Guess I'll submit my log for sh$ts and giggles. 

72 until next time de KE2YK