Comparing the Yaesu FT-710 to the FT-DX10

N3HAL and I have been evaluating the new FT-710 AESS and the FT-DX10 transceivers for future Parks on the Air activations. According to Sherwood Engineering the front ends in both radio are rated as top performers.  

The form factors of both radios are nearly identical while the FT-710 is slightly smaller. With this kind of transceiver, weight is somewhat of a consideration. The FT-710 is around 9+ lbs while the FT-DX10 is a hefty 13+. Taking either radio truly portable is totally out of the question. We have QRP radios for portable operations. Operating with a 100 watt rig is doable in a vehicle during inclement weather or a picnic bench on summer days.  

At Ham Radio Outlet, the FT-710 price range hovers around $1050 while the FT-DX10 is priced around $1400. The receiver design of the FT-710 is direct sampling while the FT-DX10 uses a traditional mixer front end. To compensate for the lack of direct sampling in the FT-DX10, Yaesu offers an optional roofing filter for an additional $175.

The FT-DX10 has a large number of buttons and hams have complained that the buttons to the left of
the VFO are very difficult to access without knocking the radio off frequency. 

The FT-DX10 can display CW and other incoming digital information but the FT-710 lacks that feature. The FT-710 AESS feature produces better receive audio when mixing the audio between internal and matching external speaker. 

Which one will you choose?

Robert Nagy, AB5N has created an excellent, in-depth YouTube video called the FTDX-10 VS FT-710 Shootout 

72 Until Next Time - de KE2YK

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