HAMRS Logging App - Where Every Day Is Field Day


 HAMRS (1.0.6) is a multi-platform logging app that is used as a generic, parks on the air, summits on the air, ARRL field day or ARRL winter field day logger.

HAMRS is available for Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu (LINUX) and Raspian (Raspberry Pi). HAMRS is also available in 32 bit format. 

The app provides for multiple profiles. For each profile, settings is where you choose to enable expanded mode, call sign look ups, notifications and the site used for call sign look ups.  I don't use multiple profiles but my guess is only the logs associated with that profile are displayed.  

The HAMRS Community site is where you can view the latest bug fixes and enhancements to the app. The Community page also includes a request for enhancements section. 

I often use HAMRS on Windows as a hunter and have run the app on both Ubuntu and Raspian platforms as an activator.

All logging formats include automated call sign look ups and the ability to export logs into .adif format. 

At of the time of this post, the POTA system now allows for direct upload of .adif activator logs. If you are using Windows, running your activator log through ADIF Master prior to uploading it is a step I recommend taking.

Logging formats are:

Generic logging with automated call sign look ups and a cool QSO map. 

Parks on the Air logging for both activators and hunters.

For POTA hunters, POTA spots are shown on a QSO map and spots are displayed in linear or card format. Spot display options include choosing mode such as CW, FT8 or SSB as well as hiding  QRT stations and logged contacts. Spots can also be ordered by time or frequency.

Summits on the Air logging for activators. The format is much the same as the POTA format with the name Summit instead of Park.

ARRL Field day and Winter Field day logging contains the expected fields to capture class and section for a single op. To my knowledge there is no provision for network logging. 

Since the first release of HAMRS, the app has become very stable. Bug fixes and user requests have been incorporated into the work in progress. IMHO, I think HAMRS has a great future ahead. 


 Which logging features of HAMRS do you use. How would you improve HAMRS? 

72 de @ke2yk 

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