Arborist Throw Lines for Portable Ham Radio Antennas

I. Introduction:

Any arborist or amateur radio operator knows that having the right gear can make all the difference when it comes to safety, efficiency, and overall success in launching wire antennas. One essential tool for any ham radio operator who uses wire antennas for portable operations is a throw line pouch which allows you to quickly and accurately position an antenna in a tree. 

While larger, cube-shaped throw line bags are often popular among arborists, there are times when a more compact and portable option is needed. In this blog post, Tom will show you how to pack a compact arborist throw line pouch using a figure-eight technique that helps prevent tangling and makes the most of limited storage space. 

In the video, Tom demonstrates how to pack a compact arborist throw line pouch using a figure-eight technique that helps prevent tangling. Tom explains that while a larger, cube-shaped pouch is easier to use, a smaller and more portable pouch is more practical in some situations. Tom shows how to make a big bunch of the cord using a figure-eight technique, then stuff it into the pouch, making sure that the top of the cord is facing up. Then Tom ties a knot to secure the cord and complete the packing process. Tom emphasizes that while the technique takes some practice, it is an effective way to keep your gear organized and ready for use.

II. Benefits of a compact arborist throw line pouch:

An arborist throw line pouch is an essential tool for anyone wanting to launch wire antennas into trees. The pouch is designed to hold the throw line in such a way that delivery of the throw line works smoothly and effortlessly. In the cause of an amateur radio operator, it allows them to place the antenna in a more direct and effective way. 

There are numerous benefits to using an arborist throw line pouch, including:

Increased safety: When placing antennas, safety is always a top priority. Using a throw line pouch helps ensure that your antenna is properly positioned and secured, reducing the risk of accidents.

Enhanced precision: When working among tree branches, precision is key to perform a successful antenna launch. A throw line allows for a more exact antenna placement.

Increased versatility: An arborist throw line pouch is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of settings and situations. Whether launching into a large or small tree, a throw line pouch can help get the job done quickly.

An arborist throw line pouch is an essential tool for any ham radio operator launching wire antennas into trees. The throw line and pouch increases safety, improves efficiency, enhances precision, and increases versatility, making it an invaluable asset for any ham radio operator use wire antennas for portable operations.

While a larger throw line pouch may be easier to use, there are several advantages to using a smaller one, as demonstrated in the video. These include:

Increased portability: A smaller throw line pouch is more compact and lightweight, making it easier to transport. This is particularly useful for ham radio operators who need to carry their gear with them while activating several parks or summits during a multi-site activation day.

Reduced clutter: A smaller throw line pouch takes up less space in your gear bag, leaving more room for other essential equipment. Smaller sized equipment helps to keep the gear bag organized.

More efficient packing: While packing a smaller throw line pouch may require a bit more effort and practice, the technique demonstrated in the video allows for efficient packing that helps prevent tangling. This can save time and reduce frustration.

A smaller throw line pouch provides increased portability, greater versatility, reduced clutter, and more efficient packing. While it may require a bit more effort and practice, the benefits of a smaller throw line pouch outweigh taking larger equipment along.

III. The figure-eight technique

The figure-eight technique is a simple yet effective method of packing throw lines into a compact pouch without tangling. As demonstrated in the video, the technique involves looping the throw line back and forth in a series of figure-eight patterns before stuffing it into the pouch.

The figure-eight pattern works to prevent tangling because it creates a series of overlapping loops that keep the throw line from getting tangled upon itself. By bunching the loops together and stuffing them into the pouch, the arborist can keep the throw line compact and organized, ready for use when needed.

This technique is not limited to throw lines, and is also commonly used for packing wires, cords, and cables to prevent tangling. It is a simple and efficient way to pack gear into a small space, and can save time and frustration on the job.

While it may take a bit of practice to master the figure-eight technique, it is well worth the effort for any arborist looking to keep their gear organized and tangle-free.

The Step By Step Figure 8 Technique Explained:

  1. Start by grabbing the end of the throw line and holding it in one hand.
  2. With your other hand, create a small loop in the throw line, and bring it across the main length of the line to create the first part of the figure-eight.
  3. Next, create a second loop in the opposite direction, bringing the line back across itself to complete the figure-eight.
  4. Continue looping the throw line back and forth in this way, alternating the direction of the loops each time to create a series of figure-eights.
  5. Once you have created several figure-eights, bunch them together in your hand, making sure that the loops are overlapping and not tangled.
  6. Stuff the bunched-up throw line into the pouch, making sure that the loops remain organized and the top of the loops are facing upwards.
  7. ontinue creating figure-eights and bunching them together until the pouch is full.
  8. Finally, tie off the end of the throw line with a knot and tuck it into the pouch, ready for use.

With a bit of practice, the figure-eight technique can become a quick and easy way to pack an arborist throw line pouch, keeping the line organized and tangle-free.

IV. Additional tips and considerations

Handling an arborist throw line can be challenging, especially in windy conditions. Here are some tips and considerations to help you handle your arborist throw line more safely and effectively:

Wear appropriate PPE: When working with an arborist throw line, always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as eye protection. This will help to protect you from any potential hazards, such as falling debris.

Check the throw line before use: Before using your arborist throw line, inspect it carefully for any signs of wear or damage. This includes checking for frayed or worn areas, knots, or other defects that could affect its strength or performance.

Practice proper throwing technique: To get the most out of your arborist throw line, it's important to practice proper throwing technique. This includes using a smooth, fluid motion to release the line and aiming for your intended target. Take the time to practice your technique regularly to improve your accuracy and efficiency.

Use the right knot: When attaching your throw line to your antenna, make sure to use the right knot for the job. The most common knot used for this purpose is the bowline, but there are other options as well, such as the double fisherman's knot or the figure-eight follow-through.

Store your throw line properly: To keep your arborist throw line in good condition, store it properly when not in use. This means keeping it clean, dry, and free from tangles or knots. Consider using a throw line pouch or bag to help keep your line organized and protected from the elements.

By following these tips and considerations, you can handle your arborist throw line more safely and effectively, reducing the risk of injury or damage and ensuring that your line performs at its best.

Here is a list of resources to help you purchase and use an arborist throw line:

  • - This website offers a wide range of arborist throw lines and pouches, as well as other tree climbing gear.
  • - Another popular online retailer for arborist throw lines, ropes, and other tree climbing equipment.
  • YouTube - You can find many instructional videos on YouTube that demonstrate how to use an arborist throw line properly.
  • - This forum is a great resource for arborists and tree climbers to connect with each other, ask questions, and share advice about gear and techniques.
  • ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) - The ISA offers certification programs for arborists, as well as educational resources and publications about safe and effective tree care practices.

V. Conclusion

Using an arborist throw line can greatly improve the efficiency and safety of antenna launching. A compact throw line pouch offers portability and convenience, while the figure-eight packing technique can prevent tangling and make packing the pouch easier. 

Proper handling and maintenance of the throw line is important to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. There are many resources available for purchasing and using an arborist throw line, including online retailers, educational videos, and professional organizations. By following proper safety procedures and utilizing the appropriate gear and techniques, ham radio operators can work more efficiently and safely while activating parks and summits.

If you're new to using arborist equipment, it can be intimidating to learn new techniques and skills. However, the figure-eight packing technique for arborist throw lines is a simple yet effective method that can save you time and frustration in the long run. Don't be afraid to give it a try - with a little practice, you'll be able to pack your compact throw line pouch quickly and easily, without worrying about tangles. So why not take the plunge and see for yourself how this technique can make your work easier and more efficient?

Who Is Tom Witherspoon K4SWL:

Tom Witherspoon (K4SWK) is a well-known amateur radio operator and blogger. He is an active member of the amateur radio community and has been licensed as a ham radio operator since the 1990s. Witherspoon has a blog called "The SWLing Post" where he shares news, reviews, and updates about the world of amateur radio and shortwave radio. He is also a contributor to the online radio magazine "The Spectrum Monitor." Witherspoon is known for his expertise in radio communications and his passion for promoting the hobby of amateur radio.

Gary Utz KE2YK's Advice:

As a ham radio operator, I highly recommend using an arborist throw line and compact storage pouch for launching your portable wire antenna system.

When it comes to choosing a throw line pouch, I prefer a compact one over a larger cube-style bag. While the cube-style bag may be easier to use, the compact pouch is more portable and easier to pack in your gear bag.

To pack your compact pouch efficiently and avoid tangling, use the figure-eight technique. This method involves making a figure-eight loop with the throw line, creating a bunch, and stuffing it into the pouch. This technique may take a little practice, but once you get the hang of it, it will save you time and prevent frustrating tangles.

Lastly, it's important to handle your throw line with care and attention. Always inspect your line before use, avoid stepping on it, and store it properly to prevent damage.

The arborist throw line and compact storage pouch will make your portable activation easier and safer. Give them a try and see for yourself how it improves your time in the field.

Who Is Gary Utz KE2YK;

 Gary Utz (KE2YK) is an amateur radio operator and blogger based in New York, USA. He is the author of the blog, which focuses on amateur radio topics such as antenna building, radio contests, and equipment reviews. Gary has been a licensed amateur radio operator for many years and is an active member of the amateur radio community. On his blog, he shares his experiences and insights about the hobby, as well as tips and  advice for other amateur radio enthusiasts.

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 72 de KE2YK

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